
Last Updated April 2024

We are HAPPY to help!

Hypertension Awareness & Prevention Program at Yale (HAPPY) is a collaboration of Yale University students, health professionals, and New Haven health care organizations dedicated to providing free, regular hypertension screenings, linking hypertensive individuals with affordable and immediate medical care, and eliminating barriers to follow-up care for under-served communities in New Haven.

The ultimate goal of HAPPY is to establish cost-effective, long term community based approaches that foster self-management behaviors for chronic hypertension among the homeless population.


HAPPY halted all in-person volunteering efforts in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and instead focused on fundraising for medical supplies. In accordance with CDC guidelines and the Yale Community Compact, this pause extended throughout Summer 2021 out of an abundance of caution for community members, our collaborators, and our volunteers. However, we are happy to report that HAPPY is once again operating as before the pandemic!