
HAPPY Service Locations:

HAPPY volunteers conduct blood pressure screenings at three New Haven community centers. Please click on each of the following links for direction and settings at each location.

Usually three to four volunteers are accommodated per shift. At least one of the volunteers should greet and ask community members to take a blood pressure reading. HAPPY volunteers should set up the information poster at a salient location to let the community center clients know of the free, weekly hypertension screening.

All HAPPY volunteers should be courteous to community center staff and be willing to help, such as serving food, cleaning up, and other duties you may be asked to do.

Community Soup Kitchen (CSK):

Community Soup Kitchen (CSK) at 84 Broadway Website

CSK Location: turn left at the wooden fence with a red “Community Soup Kitchen” sign. Open the first door on the left. This will take you to the main area of the soup kitchen; volunteer locations are in a room off to the side. 

New Haven Free Public Library (NHFPL):

New Haven Free Public Library at 133 Elm St Website

HAPPY sets up in the lobby of the New Haven Free Public Library, located at 133 Elm Street. Enter from the front of the building. At this location, be sure to be proactive about recruiting people to your table.